"Our World In Our Words" is a character-focused documentary that examines the day to day lives of four women with disabilities, how they view and experience the world around them, and how their disabilities have shaped them into the people they’ve become.
Runtime: 21:00
Mountain Dog Visual Media is an independent production company specializing in Documentary and Narrative Motion Picture Content.
Our artistic sensibilities are informed by a deep love for visual storytelling and cinema. We conceive, produce, and deliver motion picture products characterized by stylized visual imagery emphasizing naturalism and authenticity in service of the stories we tell.
Our full service production team utilizes state of the art audio and video production equipment, as well as industry leading software and plugins for audio/visual post processing. Most importantly, our creative team possess the artful minds and technical skills to bring character and soul to each production, engaging audiences through visual storytelling.
We hope you'll enjoy our unique artistic sensibilities and consider Mountain Dog Visual Media for your video/motion picture production needs!
Based in Reno, NV.